Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Book review: Destroy Me (Shatter me series #1.5, novella) by Tahereh Mafi

New review *yay!* this one is without spoilers :D it will be mostly on Destroy me (#2 in the series) and Unravel me (#3) because I loved those two books the best. Last weekend I spent all of both nights staying up reading the Shatter me series because well, it's just that good! I could not put the book (or more like my computer because I was reading an epub of the book) down, I just needed to kow what happens to Juliette! Yeah in this series the main character's name is spelt Juliette and not Juliet, personally I like it better this way  and I think it's a nice subtle way to show the heroin's individuality. Lets get to this shall we? 
Back at the base and recovering from his near-fatal wound, Warner must do everything in his power to keep his soldiers in check and suppress any mention of a rebellion in the sector. Still as obsessed with Juliette as ever, his first priority is to find her, bring her back, and dispose of Adam and Kenji, the two traitors who helped her escape. But when Warner’s father, The Supreme Commander of The Reestablishment, arrives to correct his son’s mistakes, it’s clear that he has much different plans for Juliette. Plans Warner simply cannot allow.
This novella was simply fabulous! It's a wonderful insight to a misunderstood protagonist's life. At first when I read Shatter me, I really hated Warner. I thought he was a psychopathic being with no humanity or empathy at all! I understand the he was helping Juliette understand her powers and gain control of them but we, the readers are constantly bombarded with this negative diction of his past and he is constantly depicted as cruel and insufferable. I understood it then because of his actions, but in destroy me the impression he created is literally destroyed. <-- see what I did there *wink, wink* We learn so much about warner and his past, so much that it almost clarifies why he is so 'psychologically different' (I dont want to say that he is messed up but he kind of is so I'll just put in these words, no offence intended to Tahereh Mafi or the character it's just my opinion) A lot is revealed about Juliette as well in the novella, remember the little notebook she always carried around? Extracts from it are included! There are some really philosophical thoughts included, thing like if Juliette is going insane or not. Warner's father (The Supreme Commander of The Reestablishment, what an insane name...) is introduced and he is possibly even darker and twisted than Warner. Also in Shatter me, Mafi introduced this character called Seamus Fletcher who was mercilessly killed along side his family by Warner. He was constantly used as a reminder of just how merciless he is but in Destroy me there is a plot twist *dun dun DUN!* They weren't killed because he was a traitor as previously told! (I won't say anymore otherwise I might ruin it for you)

There are so many surprises in this little tiny book that I looked like this the entire time I was reading it. In all honesty I think I forgot to breath for a lot of it... 

There is one really heartbreaking moment when Warner goes to his "Mind palace" of sorts, it's kind of a simulation room, thing .... I'm not really sure but that scene is permanently marked in my mind, it completely changed my perspective of Warner and who he is. This book is a novella so it's quite short, I don't think I can write much more without including a whole bunch of spoilers but I can understand now how Warner feels this inclination towards Juliette because the both experienced/feel the same (okay maybe more like similar) emotions in their past, Warner feels like he can relate to her and GAHHH! Just go read it, this might possibly be one of the best novellas as a sequel ever! It might also be the best character changing moment/scene/novel/book ever as well. I won't say anymore because I feel like I'll be giving away far too much information then but I honestly suggest you read this book, the first one might not seem that enticing at the beginning but just stick with it because as you can see from my writing style, it get's really juicy soon.

Last but not lest I did make a playlist to go along with specific parts of the book so i'll put a link to that here. Now the song list:
  1. Saturday by Ed Sheeran, this should be read at around chapter 10, Warner should be reading Juliette's notebook for the second time... 
  2. Lovesick Fool by The Cab, chapter 11. I really really really think that this song is just perfect for this scene but then agin I really love the cab and do not understand why people haven't heard of them yet
  3. Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men for chapter 16 THIS IS THE CHARACTER CHANGING CHAPTER OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! 
  4. Jesus Christ by Brand New, because the book just ended and this is how I feel... 
Now I shall leave you with some wonderful quotes as I usually do
"Love is a heartless bastard"- Warner
"I've come to believe that the most dangerous man in the world is the one who feels no remorse. "- Warner
"I imagine this is what it’s like to fall apart"- Warner